win 2000 - networking



I've just set up a wired network between 2 pcs...both
running windows 2000 professioinal...each having static
ips, & respectively...system 1 has
a permanent DSL connection via an external modem..ICS is
enabled...config for system 1 is an Intel PIII - 800 Mhz
pc with 128 mb sd ram where as system 2 is an AMD 2.2Ghz
pc with 256 mb ram..both have a 40 Gb hard disk...

All is well apart from the fact when anyone tries
downloading anything larger than about 7 - 10 Mb on
system 2 - system 1 crashes and automatically reboots.
I've been asked to try getting a DSL router by someone who
responded to a query posted earlier but those things cost
a lot...there has to be a simpler solution folks...

I'd be really grateful if you guyz could put forward a
suitable solution as iz getting annoying running to
system1 everytime I need to download a file..

Thanks & best wishes..



All is well apart from the fact when anyone tries
downloading anything larger than about 7 - 10 Mb on
system 2 - system 1 crashes and automatically reboots.
I've been asked to try getting a DSL router by someone who
responded to a query posted earlier but those things cost
a lot...there has to be a simpler solution folks...


No, there is no simpler solution, buy a Cable/DSL router. Using 'ICS' is a
way more complex way to do it, if you look into what ICS actually does. Why
tax the system hosting the 'ICS' when a hardware solution will have better
performance and actually work. I used to use a proxy on a machine a while
ago, but dumped that in favor of a cable router when I got cable internet.
It's a D-Link model I bought for $40 2 years ago. The system running the
proxy was almost unusable when the other was d/l'g.

As to being expensive, check They have some starting at
less than $20 including shipping. There was a 3COM one for $35.

This is DEFINATELY the way to go.



Brian Oakes [MSFT]

You can get a router/firewall for under 100us, so would be the best option.

In your event logs are you getting a BugCheck or a stop code? We need to see
why the System is rebooting. Post that up and we'll see. :)

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