win 2000 as server


Philip R

I'm not sure where to post this message.

we have several machines running win 98 and one acting as
a server running win 2000. Under the computer manager
applet in sessions I can see duplicate users like so.

User Computer Type
mach1 Windows
Tom mach1 Windows
Dick mach2 Windows

What is causing the mach1 to show up twice?

all machines use tcp/ip and Netbeui protocols. I've tried
removing netbeui but then network neiborhhod can't see all
the machines on the network.

What's happening?

Michael Johnston [MSFT]

The first entry is just an anonymous connection to the server. You can ignore this. As for your browsing problems, I'd
recommend using only one protocol. Remove Netbeui and make sure that all machines have Netbios over TCP/IP enabled.
Also make sure that each machines workgroup is the same.

Thank you,
Mike Johnston
Microsoft Network Support

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