Will your next PC have an AGP slot?


Feb 23, 2002
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AGP still seems pretty new to me, but now PCIe seems to be taking over. Would you still get an AGP motherboard/card in the next few months?

I think I probably would, simply because of the choice (and the fact its not obsolete yet!).
Here here mr administrator man, another year and perhaps things will look different but for now and the near future agp cards can still cut it with the best...;)
As the competition grows and the price tumbles AGP will fade ... however, Office systems do not need the 'power' and I see the likes of IBM & Dell hanging to AGP on low-cost Office/Home systems ... That will mean being intrigated on the MB. ;)

Why do we still see "COM Ports" ... are they still useful? :p
muckshifter said:
Why do we still see "COM Ports" ... are they still useful? :p

I still use COM ports, but I agree its an exception and not the norm :) It wouldn't surprise me if these disappear very soon on high-end boards - as 99% of people don't use them.
Ian Cunningham said:
I still use COM ports, but I agree its an exception and not the norm :) It wouldn't surprise me if these disappear very soon on high-end boards - as 99% of people don't use them.
And more people continue to have problems it they do dissapear ... USB does not solve some of the simple solutions ... I have a printer that has NEVER had a problem printing, I had a USB printer that always did have a problem being seen, never mind print. XP did sovle that problem but it was 3 months and 3 new printers before XP was available.

Time will tell :D
Very true sometimes "updating" hardware can be unreliable

Goes the saying "if it aint broke don’t fix it"

I also use com ports at work allot, I still "dial in" for remote access to my clients too
i doubt it, but you never know if its a media centre then probably, anything else will be PCI-E even if it does have pants card in it
I wont be upgrading for at leat 6 months, but when i do it will definatly be PCI-E.

If your buying a gaming rig now, you will be easily safe with AGP, but if I were doing an overhaul now I would defo go PCI-E. The only reason I didnt is because I only had my 6800GT for 6 months and it cost me £300 :/, and its still one of the best card in the world ;).
Im with Reef
thats the only reason i didnt go with PCI-E
except i wont upgrade anytime soon :)
as i will use my new computer for gaming i would have to say i would need a PCI-E slot... its more futureproof... nvidia and radeon have stopped producing agp cards as far as i know and are focusing on PCI-E... and with the option of SLi i think many people would want to go with that as in a few months time they can get another gfx card at a lower price :)
for game use i will get a PCIe because they will become the next agp, but for normal use id get a agp cuz they are cheaper for the older graphics cars and i cant really find any old ones for PCIe