Will you be watching the world cup?


Feb 23, 2002
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Strangely, I don't know many hardcore football supporters that watch world cup games - they are behind their club and don't really care about their national team.

Anyone here like that? I'm a Newcastle supporter and will read on how they are doing every day, watch their matches on TV (and go to any that are near Manchester, like City, ManU, Wigan).... but I think England matches are great and love watching them. :D (I guess the Scots, Welsh and Irish won't be too bothered this year though? Or would you still watch the games?)
Come on England

May watch some of the match's & may watch the Final.
I used to enjoy the old home internationals, but they really stopped after the jocks tried to demolish the old wembley starting with the goal post's! I do follow a team, but as we are in Division 2 we might as well not be around, all you hear on footie programes on tv or radio is about the premiership:mad: so were do people think some players come from, the lower leagues, thats were!!

Good thread though boss, er sorry i mean guv:thumb:
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I'll watch the lot, but id rather watch club matches. I spend 8 months every season abusing most of englands players. Just because Gary Neville decides to wear a different shirt doesnt mean i like him.

Why is it people hate Gary Neville so much? Did you know his dads called Neville Neville, poor sod:lol:
Love football:thumb: I will watch all the world cup matches:) I support Liverpool:( [what a welshman];)

Ok I know they lost last night :p so did chelsea :lol: [Love that laugh]
I have no preference in supporting any international team.:eek:
Come on England lets see if you can give the same performance on the field as in 1966:thumb: instead of talking..... give us the action;)
ugh, hate football. im probably the only one on my school who doesnt enjoy the game, much prefer refined sports such as cricket,sqaush or badminton ;).
i wont be watching the world cup, but you can count me watching the ashes anyday :D
Of course i will be watching the world cup matches, hopoefully i wony be working on any of the match days. Im a united supporter.
Will be as ardent as the most diehard...Me and the kids glued to the box in our replica shirts... My children have to kiss the badge before every game...Proud to be English and love everything about this great country :thumb:
itsme said:
Ok I know they lost last night :p so did chelsea

1: chelsea did not lose it qwas 1-1 we lost on aggregate:(

2: i will be watching as much worls cup as possible i love it:D but it looks like brazil will run away with it again.....................
I'll be watching every single world cup match, just like 2002! Luckily my exams finished the day before the kick-off back in Japan/South Korea. And thins time around I work predominantly from home, so there's no chance of me missing a game!
michael 118 said:
ugh, hate football. im probably the only one on my school who doesnt enjoy the game, much prefer refined sports such as cricket,sqaush or badminton ;).
i wont be watching the world cup, but you can count me watching the ashes anyday :D
I'm with Michael, can't stand football. Think I escaped the brain-washing process when I was younger! ;)

Now if you're talking motorsports, well that's a different kettle of fish all together :thumb:
All sports suck :p

World Cup? Wassat?

Yep, I know, I'm odd :)

(And you, my friends, are sheep ;) )

no really cant wait for it! :)

be4 i sleep at nite I always think World Cup 2006
I will watch every second of every game!
Sorry, but I just don't really understand the 'pull' of organised sport at all... much rather bash a ball around the back yard with the kids, making up the rules as we go along than sit & watch the stuff on TV or at the grounds. And I hated "Team sports" when I was at school.

Got a couple of LiverpoolFc songs on CD though, dunno f.all about the team sorry, but found a few of the songs when looking stuff up for John & liked them.
Anyone heard "The Scouser Tommy"? love the song, was playing it here a while back when the kids had a friend of theirs over who is American. Was very surprised to discover that she didn't know what a "Tommy" was. She had thought it was the guy's name. Most ironic I suppose is that it had never occured to me that she wouldn't know. :p