I have Office and Word 2003 operating on my desktop.
Can I also install Word 2007 on the same computer, and run the two programs
independently? --- or will the two clash and overlap with each other? thanks
You can indeed run both versions simultaneously. The Office 2007 installer will
allow you the choice of whether or not to replace the 2003 version, and you can
tell it not to replace but to leave 2003 in place. (You can only run one version
of Outlook.)
Because both versions use some of the same registry entries, this kind of setup
will cause either version to try to run the Office setup after the other one has
run (to repair the "broken" entries). There is a solution for this, however.
If you're running on Windows XP, download
http://www.gmayor.com/Zips/NoReReg.zip, unpack it, and double-click the .reg
file it contains. If you want to know what it's doing, read
If you're running Windows Vista, there is a similar registry change, but I don't
know of a .reg file to make the change easy.