Here's a question
Will Vista RTm be released for testing to anyone at all ?
Or will that be inerternally tested?
I'm pretty sure the answer from those in the know will be no. But I was just
wondering about the process seeing RC2 build 5744 will certainly need some
adjustments before it can be considdered good enough.
And the RTM build will certainly need testing I was just wondering who will
do that testing ? Tech beta? MSDN? the Public? or MSFT themselves
or will patches be released for RC2 till it's up to the right standard?
Will Vista RTm be released for testing to anyone at all ?
Or will that be inerternally tested?
I'm pretty sure the answer from those in the know will be no. But I was just
wondering about the process seeing RC2 build 5744 will certainly need some
adjustments before it can be considdered good enough.
And the RTM build will certainly need testing I was just wondering who will
do that testing ? Tech beta? MSDN? the Public? or MSFT themselves
or will patches be released for RC2 till it's up to the right standard?