GeForce FX 5500 256MB AGP Video Card
I am never sure cause I had a bad experience when I first built my computer
with an AGP video card in it. I know the P4B only supports AGP 4x at 1.5 v
and this always throws me when checking out cards that say 8x and stuff. I
now have a GeForce4 Mx PCI card and am looking to upgrade in the $100-$150
CAN price range.
I am never sure cause I had a bad experience when I first built my computer
with an AGP video card in it. I know the P4B only supports AGP 4x at 1.5 v
and this always throws me when checking out cards that say 8x and stuff. I
now have a GeForce4 Mx PCI card and am looking to upgrade in the $100-$150
CAN price range.