will these components work together?

Mar 10, 2005
Reaction score
ok after a long time of deciding i have come up with the following...

MOBO : Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe

CPU : AMD Athlon 64 3200

RAM: Corsair 512MB DDR Value Select PC3200 .... followed by another one soon after

GFX : Leadtek PX6600GT-TDH... followed by another one when i feel the need :D... or a XFX GeForce 6600GT 128MB Extreme Gamers Ed...please recomend :)

PSU : have no idea as yet... will a custom case one do fine ?

OR do you think i should wait untill crossfire to come out?? im not a extreme gamer so wouldnt need it that much...

again on the gfx... shall i wait for the 7800 to be released so maybe prices will drop and get a 6800 ???

thanks ppl :)
that spec is fine, get the 6600GT-TDH on of them should be enough but you never know, get a new PSU like Tagan, Enermax or Antec. if you want a crossfire capable mobo your gonna have to wait a while and when they do come out there gonna be £££, when the 7800 series do come out and by the time you get round to upgrading you will probably be able to afford 2 new 6800 ultras
il wait till the end of this month and see the prices :)

im going to go with sli... it will do me fine for a few years i hope :D

can't wait to get building... it will be my first build :D
just take your time, dont try and force things and if your not sure ask it could be an expensive mistake
cheers ME

well if i get into any bother i can always ask u guys :) and a couple of minutes down the street theres Belloni :D