Will there be any more languages?

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I wonder if there will be any local language packs.
In my case, we want a swedish version..

Will there be any avalible soon?


In a simple word, no.

Langauge packs won't be used since MS doesn't use langauge packs for it's
products. Instead, the installer will be localized for each region of the
world. This won't happen until the app is ready for final release. This is
due to the fact that they want to work out the bugs on the English version
before loacalizing it for each part of the globe. It's easier to work in
English and then localize the settings and the language used for each area of
the globe than it is to release one app that uses many different languages
and settings (such as time, date, etc.). Also, the installer is smaller, as
is the installed app since they don't have to install many different
languages and settings.

Ok, thanks for the quick answer.. Is there any planned releasedate ?

I have used the beta since the release, and it works greats,
but did they found many bugs? Worked great on my computer:)

Hej Joakim

In Swedish ;)

MSAS byter namn till Windows Defender, utmaningen för Microsoft är
till vilka OS den ska vara tillgänglig. XP samt Vista är klar, w2k ?.

Vidare är inte heller IE7 Beta 2 klar samt One Care är under Beta
provning. Alla dessa pusselbitar måste då passa ihop för MS.

Beta2an eller Windows Defender Beta 1 ? kommer iaf att ges ut snart.
Det finns ingen tidplan för närvarande. Defendern kommer då att bli
gratis för licensierade singel användare, företagsversion är det oklart

Sedan blir det en svensk version men förmodligen gör man den så att
man kan köra en engelsk version på ett svenskt XP som steg 1.

Mer om detta:


Läser man detta meddelande så är det "shortly", vad nu Mr Chan menar
detta ? Jag tror att den dyker upp i slutet av November. Finns andra
rykten som även tyder på detta.

"Microsoft is proud to announce that the final name for Microsoft's
Windows AntiSpyware technology will be Windows® Defender. We believe
the name more accurately describes the protection that we offer to our
customers against spyware and other potentially unwated software and
describes it in a more positive way. We expect Windows® Defender to be
included in an upcoming release of Windows Vista. The engineering team
has also been making progress towards the new signature distribution
infrastructure. Windows® Defender will receive signature updates
through the Windows Update infrastructure and will start appearing on
Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) consoles shortly. The two new
additions will be "Definition Updates" in the classifications and
"Windows Defender" in the product categories.

For additional information and relevant discussion on Windows Defender
and other Microsoft anti-malware technologies, please visit the
anti-malware engineering team blog at

Mike Chan
Product Manager"


Joakim wrote on 2005-11-14 :
I may repeat something plun said, since my Swedish is nonexistent:

The current beta1 product is not designed for localization--i.e. easy
translation of included strings into different languages.

Beta2, Windows Defender, will be designed in that way from the start.
Current estimated time of arrival for beta2 is the first half of 2006.

Typically, while a program is still in beta, only very limited language
versions are produced--typically perhaps 2 or maybe 3. After the program is
released, further versions are produced to match the versions of Windows
available worldwide.

I've no idea what languages they might pick for the beta release--I'd be
happy to join yourself and plun and vote for Swedish, if our votes would
have any effect, but I suspect they may choose something else....

Hi Bill

I nearly wrote that........ ;)

But the timeschedule for the Defender is unknown, I also
wrote about Mr Chans "shortly"..... ? I believe it comes
within this year !

Also mentioned about this challenge with Vista, IE7 and One Care.
All puzzle piezes must fit together.

About languages I am sure that MS will use the same tactic as now that
it works on non english versions. Then localised version can come
when they are ready in x time.

It was nothing bad against MS......... ;)
plun said:
Hi Bill

I nearly wrote that........ ;)

But the timeschedule for the Defender is unknown, I also
wrote about Mr Chans "shortly"..... ? I believe it comes
within this year !
It was nothing bad against MS......... ;)
The "first half of calendar 2006" is from Mike Nash's most recent security
chat. That's a long enough timeline that they could come in early, which
would be very nice. I'd sure prefer this year, myself, if it is ready.

(I didn't think you were writing bad things about MS--unless, of course,
they deserve it!)
You are replying to a message about beta1.

You should know that beta2, Windows Defender, is now available:

download and run, it will remove Microsoft Antispyware and install.

That's the good news.

On the negative side, there will be two additional language versions issued
while Windows Defender is still in Beta, however, those versions will be for
German and Japanese Windows versions, I'm afraid. : (

After release, I believe there will be more languages--and I cannot imagine
that French wouldn't be one of them.

Bill Sanderson MVP said:
After release, I believe there will be more languages--and I cannot
imagine that French wouldn't be one of them.
And I cannot imagine having worded this in a worse way--nothing like a
double-negative to create doubt about your meaning!

I would expect a French version to be available at some early time after
release--but I don't know how that process works.