-----Original Message-----
After the Microsoft Anti-spyware passes beta, will it
remain free to all users?
Oops, I'm done now. Bill didn't get all that dough by
being a nice guy. Is he the knucklehead that thought
integrating an Internet browser into an operating system
was a good idea... yeah probably. Is he the guy that's
going to pay for his own stupidity... absolutely not.
Every businessman dreams of a day when he can create a
product that is so poorly engineered that it creates a
need for a second product to fix it. Its like a dog
chasing its tail! In the world of business, we call it
brilliant, anywhere else its called extortion. So kudos
to you Billy-boy, add another wing onto the homestead and
keep screwing us harder... we're begining to like it.
A better option is to stop using IE all together and look
at FireFox or some other non-MS browser, and you're
spyware issues will go away all by themselves.