the whole AGP 1.0 vs. 2.0 vs. 3.0 is extremely confusing.
i don't fully trust the info in the 2nd site, but included
it coz it has impressed me as useful info
sorry that i didn't say that to start with
fwiw, i think the info on the ATI site is 100% accurate
i can add that i have no clue about your motherboard,
but afaik so long as your mobo has a legit AGP slot,
then the ATI 9700 (pro or non pro) appears to me
to cover all the bases
that likely includes the 9700 clone boards (like
Sapphire) also, but i wouldn't bet my life on that
easiest way to find them is
and search on: 9700 video
given that your mobo really does have AGP 2.0,
another option would be to buy an nVidia board
that has AGP 2.0
one possibility being the 5900 coz the move to
the 5950 has caused some vendors to start doing
big time price drops on the 5900. problem is
i don't know if the 5900 has AGP 2.0 functionality.
anyhow, i crossposted this, so maybe someone
will give some accurate info on the 5900
i recently looked at specs for the 5700 and
that one appeared to have AGP 2.0 capability