Will SOMEONE out there help me??!???!?!?!

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I can not OPEN Movie maker. I try to download and install it AGAIN and it
says it will only run on Windows XP....which is what I have! I have Windows
XP SP2. Sometimes I can get it to open and then it crashes! Someone....
Please! I just want to finish my project. I have went to papa johns..... I
can understand it one bit!!!!!!! Will someone walk me through what I should
If you can be clearer with your problem, then more help will be forthcoming,
but you say you cannot open moviemaker, but you can open it in the next
sentence, which is the problem?
Can you understand Papajohn's site, as your wording is ambiguous?
Do you get any error messages when it doesn't open, when it crashes?
What are you doing in MM when it crashes?

Graham Hughes
MVP Digital Media
Well, On a clean boot I can open Movie Maker 2.0 ONCE and then it never opens
again. While I am working on it it freezes up and I can no longer use it.
If I go to open it back up it does nothing. The hour glass looks like it is
running and nothing comes up.
I have windows SP 2 hoping that would solve my problem and it did not. THen
I found a site mentioned on Papajohns and downloaded Movie Maker 2.0 AGAIN.
It will not install and gives me a message that I need to have Windows XP on
my computer... which I do!
I have tried calling Microsoft and they are not of any long term help. I
have tried doing the things on Papa Johns and they do not work but purhaps I
am doing it wrong. Could you help?
Well your downloading and installing MM 2.0 and it isn't working.
You then downloaded and installed SP2 and that didn't get MM 2.0 working (no
reason that it would have).
But in downloading and installing SP2 you now also have MM 2.1 have you
tried using MM 2.1?
If you didn't know you had it and the program doesn't appear in your Start
menu anyplace then use Windows Explorer to find it. It should be located
"C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\moviemk.exe"