will not save STILL

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i have created a movie that is 53 minutes long which took a lot of time. i
tried to save it to my comp or DVD and it would not work. so i even started
over and i can not get it to save. any help PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
I am having a similar problem with my Windows Movie Maker. I have created a
video out of pictures and audio that is a little over 45 minutes long. But
whenever I save it to my computer or a CD it only plays a few of the pictures
and then they stop. The audio continues to play just fine. If I watch it
using the Movie Maker, it all plays fine. It just seems to happen when I save
the movie. Any suggestions?
Dear findmeinatree,
I think I may have solved my saving problem. I believe that my project
was too complex to save all together, so I split it all up into smaller
sections and saved each section seperately. Then I opened a new project and
added each section onto the new board. When I saved it this way to my
computer, it all saved and played back just fine. Maybe you should give this
a try. It didn't seem to shorten the lenghth of my movie at all.
Dear findmeinatree,
I think I may have come up with the answer to your problem. Like I said, I
was having a similar problem to yours. So after doing a bit of reading
through the knowledge base, I decided that my project maybe too complex to
save as it was. So I split the movie up into four different sections and
saved them seperately. Then I opened a new storyboard and added each smaller
section to the board and saved them that way. It didn't effect the lenghth of
my movie and it all plays just fine on my puter this way. I can view the
entire movie with out any problems. Maybe you should give this a try. Let me
know if this helps you any or if you have any questions.