Will not download or scan with USER rights



I have several users who log into Windows XP Pro systems
with USER rights. It appears that the scans and updates
don't happen when you are logged in with USER only
rights. I do this to protect the users from themselves.
Is there a way to get spyware to run in this limited USER

Chuck Davis

-----Original Message-----
I have several users who log into Windows XP Pro systems
with USER rights. It appears that the scans and updates
don't happen when you are logged in with USER only
rights. I do this to protect the users from themselves.
Is there a way to get spyware to run in this limited USER

The user must be an administrator to install this
application. Set it up as administrator, set the properties
to update and scan at night.


The application was installed while the administrator was
logged on. The issue is that the nightly scan and daily
downloads wont run will the USER is logged on in with
limited USER rights.

I've looked at the services running but don't see one
that controls these two functions. Nor do I find
anything in the scheduler. I was looking for a service
that I could escalate the rights on even though the user
was logged in with USER rights.

Mark L. Ferguson

Create a shortcut to the scan or update, and rightclick for Properties. Set
the RunAs for the admin account



You should do all your work that you can with only user
rights too!

I use a limited account under Windows XP Pro for most of
my work, and find I can update Spyware Definitions (well,
at least it says it has checked and they are up-to-date)
and can run an AntiSpyware scan without problems under
this limited account.

I don't know why this works. I didn't think it would.
But it appears to!

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