I have heard horror stories about people that are having so many problems
playing Battlefield 2142 after trying to run the game withvista. Is this
true? I am about to buy a new computer and dont know if I should by a
computer runningvista.
I just got a laptop that was way over spec (my older desktop ran it
fine other than the Punkbuster issues, and it was way under spec) that
had Vista. I had been planning to install XP Pro after wiping the
hard drive anyway, but wanted to play with Vista for a few days and
see how well a few of my games ran.
Long story short, after difficulties with EA Link to get the patch (it
finished installing, but would not confirm, although it worked fine
once I started the game). I loaded the game, ran it, maxed settings,
and the first game I tried to join (single or multiplayer) crashed the
program. I also lowered the settings, to no avail. The menu works
fine, you just can't start the game. BF2142 tells you when installing
that the game has not been tested in a 64-bit environment, so that's
likely to be one issue.
Other games work fine, and I'll be switching back to XP again so it's
not an issue for me, al least not one that I'm going to spend any
amount of time researching. I would contact each program's
manufacturer if a Google search fails to provide enough noise for that
program and see if they have been Vista tested and are known to be