How do you figure that? Clinton leaving office was the result of his
completing the two successive terms allowed by law, BJs didn't have
anything to do with it. I've never seen any suggestion of
improprieties of that kind from Gore.
Last OT post for me:
My logic is pretty simple. If not for the BJ and the subsequent
impeachment, the 2000 election would have been a won by Gore. I don't
think anyone could dispute that.
Personally I voted against Gore because I never really got a handle on
what kind of guy he was, Bush is your basic good old boy. Not the
best choice for President but at least one has an idea what he's going
to do.
Unfortunately, his ideas of what to do, from the economy to the war,
were just plain wrong. One quick example, go here:
which is the US Debt To The Penny and plug in 1/21/2000 and 9/31/07.
You'll see that when he took office, the amount of debt was 5.7
trillion. As of this September, it was 9 trillion. Now this is actual
government debt, not budget deficits, but real money we owe... mainly
to China, Japan, and Saudi Arabia.
So, it took our government 224 _years_ to accumulate the same amount
of debt that President Bush will have accumlated in only _8_ years.
And it's not just the war.
Take away _all_ the spending on the war and Homeland Security and he
has still expanded the size of government more than any president
since LBJ. Add in the war and he even beats FDR.
Actually, as a lifelong Republican, I may end up voting for
Hillary--she's your basic hard-assed bitch and I respect that.
What a bizzaro world. I've been a lifelong Democrat (except for Carter
II and Dukakis) and I'm supporting a Republican, Ron Paul.
Maybe he really was a "uniter" after all. <vbg>
Glad we can disagree without being disagreeable. That seems to be in
short supply these days. Take care.