Nancy Newburger
I need an alternate formula, preferably simple (I am an Excel rookie) for
the following:
{=SUM(IF(A19:A26<>"AD*", IF(A19:A26<>"SUB*",C19:C26,"")))}
The above formula is not returning the correct results, all values in
C19:C26 are included when, based on the criteria some values should not be.
After reading posts regarding wildcards * ? in IF statements, I think
I understand that this formula will not work. If it will, could someone
please tell me what is wrong with it.
Otherwise, an alternate formula would be great.
Thanks for anyone's help in advance.
I need an alternate formula, preferably simple (I am an Excel rookie) for
the following:
{=SUM(IF(A19:A26<>"AD*", IF(A19:A26<>"SUB*",C19:C26,"")))}
The above formula is not returning the correct results, all values in
C19:C26 are included when, based on the criteria some values should not be.
After reading posts regarding wildcards * ? in IF statements, I think
I understand that this formula will not work. If it will, could someone
please tell me what is wrong with it.
Otherwise, an alternate formula would be great.
Thanks for anyone's help in advance.