Ken you are quickly becoming my new best friend. I had thought about exactly
both of the options that you described below.

I must be learning to think
like a computer now...
I made the decision to go with the former rather that the latter. Reason
being that the EXCEL sheet loaded won't always contain a header row. It may
have formatting junk in the first 6 to 12 rows and the data isn't until later
in the sheet. So I want the user to see what column has the data is check
against and use the check box. But now the problem is that I need to
dynamically create the form each time a user import said EXCEL sheet. I'll
never know how many columns exist and/or which column contains the part
numbers I want to report on... On that I may just skip it and force the
people that want this report to make a new sheet of just part numbers prior
to loading them into Access for comparison.
Of course, if you're really ambitious, forgo EXCEL and read in the text file
directly and then manipulate it in ACCESS to get your desired results --
even less overhead to do that.
Can't do this - There are two files in question here, one is a .txt Report
that contain all of the inventory status for every part in a given plant
(mine is 90k parts) - second is the EXCEL file that has the part numbers in
question. What program is doing is parsing the .txt file into usable data,
then taking the part numbers from the EXCEL “joining the two: and producing a
report that give you inventory status for just the parts that you asked
Thank once again Ken - I am sure you'll hear back from me in another post...
-Steven M. Britton
Access Wannabe