width : Netscape.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mr. X.
  • Start date Start date

Mr. X.


In my code, I use <asp:RadioButton> and use a fixed width.
(to make spaces between two elements of <asp:RadioButton> -
Is there any other way doing that ?)

It work for some browsers, including Safari, and IE.
But for netscape - not meter what size is - there is no space between two

Here is code, that work for IE, and not for Netscape.
What should I do in order it work on Netscape (gap between two

<asp:Table runat="server" CellPadding="0" HorizontalAlign="Center">
<asp:TableRow height = "25">
<asp:RadioButton Text="choice 1" width = "100px" groupName =
"test_choices" Checked="True" runat = "server" />
<asp:RadioButton id = "support_choice" Text="choice 2" groupName =
"test_choices" runat = "server"/>

The first radio-button, has the fixed width of 100px,
but it isn't make sence on Netscape - Why ?

Besides, I would like to learn about conventions of several browsers
(espcecially use of px, em, etc ...)

Thanks :)
I see that relevant source is the same.
For the width:100px, the relevant source is :
<span style="display:inline-block;width:100px;">

I see that only netscape has that problem ?
I won't bother much about netscape, since it is not supported any more (Too
since what year it is not supported ?).

I have tried also firefox, and it seems OK. (there is gap between the
I didn't understand where should I put &nbsp;
something like Text="choice 1"&nbsp;&nbsp; ... is not the exact thing to do.

Thanks :o)