I am trying to determine what shape LCD to get.
We don't watch movies, play games, or photo edit, just web browsing. I did
some reading, and I agree with one person's assessment, that it is easier to
read text close to the center of the screen. So, I am thinking a 'regular'
5:4(?) LCD is the way to go.
Is there any reason why I would want a 16:9 LCD? Even if not now, but
consider that we keep our monitors for 5-6 yrs.
We don't watch movies, play games, or photo edit, just web browsing. I did
some reading, and I agree with one person's assessment, that it is easier to
read text close to the center of the screen. So, I am thinking a 'regular'
5:4(?) LCD is the way to go.
Is there any reason why I would want a 16:9 LCD? Even if not now, but
consider that we keep our monitors for 5-6 yrs.