Haz said:
Replaced 15" flatscreen with a 19" widepanel (Dell - instructions are
useless - spent an hour on chat - no joy.) My original desktop photo
appears as slightly distorted horizontally (stretch), or only the center
portion (center) (Even worse in 'tile")
Is there any way to get this photo to fit the screen?
Any suggestions
This is because you are distorting a 4:3 photo to fit a 16:10
In 'stretch', it's filling the screen vertically, but widening
the picture horizontally to fill the screen.
In 'center', it's filling the screen horizontally while maintaining
the original 4:3 ratio, causing overfill in the vertical direction,
and cutting off portions of the top and bottom.
In 'tile' the picture displays at its original pixel size, so if it was
2000x1500 pixels, the display would only show the center
1440x900 or 1680x1050 portion, depending on your monitor's
For a resolution, try resizing the picture so that its vertical pixel
size matches, or is slightly less than, the screen's vertical
resolution while maintaining its original aspect ratio. The
screen will be either 900 or 1050 pixels in height. Then use
'center' and it should display properly with bars of the original
background on each side. If you don't like the bars, the only
alternative is to crop the picture to a 16:10 ratio. At least this
gives you the choice of what to discard.