I've been accessing my home PC through the internet and across my LAN for months now with no problems. A couple of days ago, I stopped being able to access it.
The setup: the machine is running XP pro. It is connected through a Linksys router to a cablemodem. The port setup has not changed from when it worked.
I have tried remote desktop from both a machine on the internet and another on my LAN with no success. The error message is "Remote Desktop Disconnected - The client could not connect to the remote computer."
The only things that have changed on the computer I am trying to access are:
1. I uninstalled Norton anti-spam software.
2. I added a VPN connection, which is not active when I am trying to access the PC.
I sure hope I'm doing something dumb . Any ideas?
The setup: the machine is running XP pro. It is connected through a Linksys router to a cablemodem. The port setup has not changed from when it worked.
I have tried remote desktop from both a machine on the internet and another on my LAN with no success. The error message is "Remote Desktop Disconnected - The client could not connect to the remote computer."
The only things that have changed on the computer I am trying to access are:
1. I uninstalled Norton anti-spam software.
2. I added a VPN connection, which is not active when I am trying to access the PC.
I sure hope I'm doing something dumb . Any ideas?