Who is affected by WPA and WGA? The people who buy from HP, Dell, etc?
No, because they are preactivated and pre WGAed and don't even know
about it. That's about 95 to 98% of computer users.
Who, then, does it affect? Hobbyists, because they usually build their
own computers and have to jump through the WPA and WGA hoops. Gates has
publicly written about his disdain for hobbyists.
Who does the average computer ask for help? A friend or family member
that's, you guessed it, a hobbyist.
Connect the dots if you can. Frank and the Nymshifter don't have to even
bother because they're too stupid to connect them.
No, because they are preactivated and pre WGAed and don't even know
about it. That's about 95 to 98% of computer users.
Who, then, does it affect? Hobbyists, because they usually build their
own computers and have to jump through the WPA and WGA hoops. Gates has
publicly written about his disdain for hobbyists.
Who does the average computer ask for help? A friend or family member
that's, you guessed it, a hobbyist.
Connect the dots if you can. Frank and the Nymshifter don't have to even
bother because they're too stupid to connect them.