Why would the library-activated serviced components put more load on db?

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I wasn't sure what would be the best ng to post it.

We have ASP.NET app that uses serviced component to perform all database writes and updates (there are separate components sitting on the web server to do reads)

Initially, serviced components and ASP.NET app were on two separated machines and components had server activation

Since there is a substantial overhead in running serviced compoents as server (dllhost, interop, marchaling, etc), I decided to run the components as library and put them to the web server

We maybe gained some speed, but the database blocking increased substantially, and I am trying to understand why is that

Maybe because when the components run with server activation COM+ serializes the calls and thus the blocking is less


Hi Stan,

Thanks for posting in community. Based on my understanding, your serviced
component(COM+ , written in c++? or ..) used to be deployed as server
application and because of the speed considerance, you changed it to
library-activated. However, you found this turn the database service into
blocking , yes?

Have you tried providing a certain test application to test the
ServicedComponent both under Server-activated and Library-activated mode?
I'm not sure whether you've ever read the following tech article, it has
discussed on the performance comparsion on COM+ data access components:

#Performance Comparison: Transaction Control

Also, I here are some other ones instruct us on creating own Performance
Monitor coutners for COM+ apps and debuging COM+ apps:
#Creating COM+ PerfMon Counters to Monitor COM+ Data

#Debugging COM+ Applications

#Debugging COM+ 1.0 Components

Maybe you may have a monitor focus on the components (out of the ASP.NET
app) to see whether we can find the root cause. Please have a check on the
above items. If you have any findings or further questions, please feel
free to post here.


Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

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