why would I move to Primiere?

  • Thread starter Thread starter dajaxon
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I'm learning bit by bit how to use moviemaker - and realize it is probably
not as powerful as premiere BUT - I'm wondering if there is a web page that
compares the two?

Premiere is expensive and complex, but powerful. If the editing that you
want to do is going to be mostly cut and paste, with a few transitions and
maybe a soundtrack then MM2 is the tool for you. Try watching commercial TV
programmes with an eye for how the professionals do it. You'll be surprised
at how much consists of straight cuts and no fancy stuff.

Hi there,

To be quite honest, I don't know why you would want to. A very similar
program is available from a company that does TV adverts and Post-production
work for film companies. The program is called MovieDV Ver 6.0, it costs a
lot less than Premiere. You should try it out first...if you are on
broadband, take a look at toe video 2004 - 1 in the video section of my
website, it will give you a couple of three examples of what can be done.
Jake, I couldn't agree more. I've been doing the same
recently, watching for special editing techniques on the
box or in movies, and there's almost certainly far less
than I have already been doing in MM2!!
I think the impact and the clearly professional finished
product is created much more by clever camera angles,
lighting, panning and composition. In other words
concentrate on the original work more, not so much on the
editing facilities. As per the old adage, rubbish in,
rubbish out. Not even Premiere will make an Oscar-winner
out of footage that lacks interest.
Personally I reckon MM2 does just about everything that a
serious amateur needs, and unless one can identify
exactly what extra features one needs (and, critically,
could use to good effect) then don't waste your money on
anything else!
I would suggest to "dajaxon"
I think there are two features lacking in MM2 which, if included, would give
the low-end commercial products a real run for their money. They are:
1) A superimpose track to simplify the creation of cutaways, which can be a
very powerful editing technique.
2) Rubberband controls for simple manipulation of audio levels

These two features alone would improve MM2 by a further 50% in my (humble)

Obviously there are features in Premiere that will never be seen in MM, but
that's the difference between £600 and £0!

-----Original Message-----
I'm learning bit by bit how to use moviemaker - and realize it is probably
not as powerful as premiere BUT - I'm wondering if there is a web page that
compares the two?
you can not compare moviemaker with premiere,
its like comparing an bicycle with a space shuttle.
moviemaker can make beautiful internet movies(wmv),
even much better than premiere, but premiere
can make much better DV movies, but is much complicater,
so family and internet movies with moviemaker
and profesional (broadcast) movies with premiere.
i couldn't find the two video products yo mentioned - but the replies about
MM2 were enough for me for now - thnx
You can dowload the trial version and give it a try. As for fancy
transitions and special effects the only special effects I see on TV is in
the news (mostly local news) and at the begining and end of game shows.
Hi there,

I am not sure which video you mean, but all of the videos where you see
insert videos moving around the screen are created with a program called
MovieDV Version 6 It is available from www.aist.de and for some reason it is
not on their site www.aist.com

The program is a true non-linear editor that can only be described as
FANTASTIC (If you buy it tell them I sent you...they will charge you more
:)) Seriously, the question you end up asking yourself is "What can't it
do?" There are loads of plugins that you can buy. One of my favourites is
"Lightning" I would defy you to tell the difference between it and the real
thing, obviously when set up properly....you can also turn it into the Light
Sabers used in Star Wars. Unfortunately all of the sample clips I did were
either scrapped or put onto DVD so I can not show them straight off again on
my web site.

I have maybe learnt 20% of what can be done with the program and already
filled my requirements with it. My next project, which will take some
setting up is to create an interview with someone via a TV-link (Such as you
sometimes see in TV News programs)...this is completely possible because the
program will render your clip and preserve perspective...so if you rotate it
so that one edge of the clip is further away from you than the rest, you end
up with really good results. It also understands distance from an object so
that objects change properly as they approach you.

The Cost ??? ?65 if you download it.....hint, the US dollar is not very
strong at the moment as it was when I purchased it...Pay in US $ and save a
little more.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly