If you are using Office 97, and everything done is correctly, then the Excel
file should open and be represented on the Windows taskbar. In this event,
if you dont see it, you must have set things up incorrectly. I never used
Office 2000
If you are using Office 2002 or 2003, the Excel file opens in the background
and you may not see it. However, on either the MailMerge toolbar, or the
MailMerge taskpane is the Edit Recipients List utility. Click it and you
should see all your Merge recipients. If you see nothing, then once again
you did something incorrectly.
By the way, in Word, go to Tools, Options, General and put a check in
Confirm Conversion at Open. You will be asked during the "opening" of the
Excel file to choose a data transfer protocol. Choose DDE.