Why won't Windows use MyIE2?



I have MyIE2 on my machine and have set my default browser as MyIE2
several times, but my system still opens IE when, say, I open a URL from
the Run box or double-click one in Xnews, my newsreader. I've tried
SetBrowser 1.4 too (Opera/Other, manually selecting the MyIE2 executable).
Any ideas? This is quite annoying!


Open MYIE2 choose Options from the toolbar scroll down to Default Browser
click on Make MYIE2 default browser. Everything should then use MYIE2 as the
browser except for Windows Update.



["Testy"; Sat, 29 Nov 2003 17:08:10 GMT]
Open MYIE2 choose Options from the toolbar scroll down to Default
Browser click on Make MYIE2 default browser. Everything should then
use MYIE2 as the browser except for Windows Update.

Tried it before and again just now, but it didn't work. I typed
www.google.com in a Run box (Win-R), but IE opened up.


It works fine for me, do you have the latest version of MYIE2?


J44xm said:
["Testy"; Sat, 29 Nov 2003 17:08:10 GMT]
Open MYIE2 choose Options from the toolbar scroll down to Default
Browser click on Make MYIE2 default browser. Everything should then
use MYIE2 as the browser except for Windows Update.

Tried it before and again just now, but it didn't work. I typed
www.google.com in a Run box (Win-R), but IE opened up.


["Testy"; Sun, 30 Nov 2003 19:02:36 GMT]
It works fine for me, do you have the latest version of MYIE2?

Yup. Just updated a few days ago to 0.9x. I wonder if this isn't some part
of IE or even another program automatically resetting the setting back
every time I change it. (Interestingly, with HTML files on my h.d., the
MyIE2 icon is shown, but they open up in IE. Argh.) Is there a list
anywhere of Registry keys that determine this, that I might manually
change it?

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