This function works:
=IF(B71="","",IF(B71<=330,"Standard","Below Standard"))
But when I change "330" to "R4" it doesn't work. R4 is a number field that
has 330 in it. It doesn't seem to be recognizing the Value_if_False
statement. Any number will make it show "Standard."
=IF(B71="","",IF(B71<=R4,"Standard","Below Standard"))
Your help is appreciated.
=IF(B71="","",IF(B71<=330,"Standard","Below Standard"))
But when I change "330" to "R4" it doesn't work. R4 is a number field that
has 330 in it. It doesn't seem to be recognizing the Value_if_False
statement. Any number will make it show "Standard."
=IF(B71="","",IF(B71<=R4,"Standard","Below Standard"))
Your help is appreciated.