I've just been updating my web site, and when I came to publish it, I got a
message to say that the files had change, did I wish to update them. I
clicked yes, since it was I who had updated the pages (even though I don't
normally get asked this). All seemed well, and I could view the updates
through explorer no problem. However, when it came to clicking on the home
page bookmarked through AOL, no changes had taken place. I typed the address
into my AOL browser directly, and again, no changes. However, if I type the
whole address (not just the .com bit)including .com/index.html, then the
changes are there. I think I may have somehow changed the home page, though
I don't know how. If I open up explorer though, I can just type the .com
address and it shows the correct home page. I'm very confused, any ideas?
message to say that the files had change, did I wish to update them. I
clicked yes, since it was I who had updated the pages (even though I don't
normally get asked this). All seemed well, and I could view the updates
through explorer no problem. However, when it came to clicking on the home
page bookmarked through AOL, no changes had taken place. I typed the address
into my AOL browser directly, and again, no changes. However, if I type the
whole address (not just the .com bit)including .com/index.html, then the
changes are there. I think I may have somehow changed the home page, though
I don't know how. If I open up explorer though, I can just type the .com
address and it shows the correct home page. I'm very confused, any ideas?