why won't my cd-r play in dvd



Please help!!..keep recording a video clip downloaded from my camera. it
plays back on pc but not on my dvd player. is copied on cd-r using nero 7
trial. dvd keeps saying check disk..tried same thing by copying the windows
video example to cd-r and that played back. what is wrong?


Depending on
1- The brand of the DVD player
2- The filetype

The DVD player may not be compatible to play the media. I have had this
issue with one of the lower end DVD players(though another low-end one
worked just fine).
I recommend trying to convert the file into a different type and trying
that. I believe that MPEG or MPG work in some DVD players. AVI, I have found
works in some, but less often. Try MPEG, then try AVI. It may take a bit of
time, but its worth it.

I will look for a program that will allow easy conversion, then post the
link in here for you, unless you have one/find one before.


thanks a lot, will try again...

Nate said:
Depending on
1- The brand of the DVD player
2- The filetype

The DVD player may not be compatible to play the media. I have had this
issue with one of the lower end DVD players(though another low-end one
worked just fine).
I recommend trying to convert the file into a different type and trying
that. I believe that MPEG or MPG work in some DVD players. AVI, I have found
works in some, but less often. Try MPEG, then try AVI. It may take a bit of
time, but its worth it.

I will look for a program that will allow easy conversion, then post the
link in here for you, unless you have one/find one before.




Still can't play cd-rs..DVD player Samsung SV 440 which should play but just
keeps saying check disk..tried the WinAVI Converter and others but still
won't work. I know the machine plays VCD because have one that someone gave
me..those files seem to end .dat.

Anyway I have no idea what I'm talking about.

Converted one vid to MPEG and burned with WMP and that showed 'root' and
'mpeg' on screen but wouldn't play. All cd-rs burned with nero and WinAVI not
recognised at all.


PROCESS OF ELIMINATION :) Simple school-taught ideas that we dont think we

Try to burn it on somebody elses computer. If that doesnt work, I would say
its the DVD player.
Also, try to play it in someone elses dvd player. If that doesnt work, try
another dvd player(try maybe 3 or 4 different brands)
If neither works, I would try either a different brand of cd-r(sounds
stupid, but some are actually better wuality for some reason.. in my
If even that fails, which it might if you get this far, the one dvd player
that is inexpensive, has worked the best for me. It is an APEX DVD player
about the size of an encyclopedia. I think it comes in silver and black, but
you can get it at wal-mart or any store like that. I doubt the main
stores(circuit city, best buy) would have apex, but they might. Try calling
around(or use the handy internet to see).

Thats the only other thing I can recommend as of now. If it proves to be the
computer, try contacting the manufacturer if ur under warranty, if not, try
reposting here and see if anyone else has any ideas. If it ends up being the
DVD player, I recommend contacting them.

Sorry I couldnt be any more help. But this is the process I would
try..(before throwing my dvd player and computer across the room out of
frustration :) lol.. dont do that it voids your warranty hehe..

Good Luck!


Thanks Nate, especially for explaining in plain English.

Will try all those options and post results. Have tried one other DVD player
but will try others and other PC's etc, (before throwing across room).:)

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