Why wont anybody HELP me??

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kris31181
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This is my third post. Why won't anyone answer me? I have
a question and need some help. I am the only one who uses
my computer. Nobody else has access to it. I am
administrator to everything. I don't have any user
accounts. I have been checking my security event logs
lately and there has been ALOT of policy changes to my
computer. Security Events 612, 615, 518, etc...There are
alot of "different" log on names like RASMAN,DCROME,
etc...The 612 event is suppose to notify (someone), WHO? if
there are password changes, log on/off changes, etc...I
have so much security on my system McAfee(firewall &
virus), ZoneAlarm Pro, Panda. Could someone be hacking me
for information and I don't know it? Some of this occurs
even when my computer is shut down! Could someone give me
some "info" on what to do??
Thanks! Kris

Hi, I do not know how much help I can offer, but here is
some. 1st of all, if your running more than one firewall,
that's an issue. You need to stick with one firewall
program and as well one antivirus program. Running
numerous of these programs will cause you much distress
as these programs will fight with each other. So for a
start I would get rid of the extra firewall programs and
antivirus programs and stick with one each and then get
them all tweaked and updated. If I am on the wrong track
then respond with what your running andf i'll see what I
can do to help from that point.
I'm just a newbie here, but I hope I could help...

Try not to connect to the Internet for sometime, then
check if your security event logs increases... If yes, I
think a program is "lurking" on your system... If not,
someone from the Internet is "lurking" on your system...

The reason why maybe your Firewalls and Antiviruses
cannot detect it, is because maybe a hacker has inputted
a "spyware" (before you installed your Antiviruses)
that "secretly" connecting to the Internet and do more
damage. Try it update your OS and your Antiviruses

One thing, hackers cannot infiltrate your system when
your computer is off - how can it run without electricity?

I hope I helped you in somewhat ways...