Your version is far outdated and does not have an autocomplete feature.
Versions of Outlook earlier than Outlook 2002 have no autocompletion
feature. They have a feature called auto-resolution. If you enter part of a
name or a nickname then tab out of the field (or hit Alt-K [Check Names]),
Outlook will attempt to resolve the name against your address book. If it
can't it'll red underline it and you can right click on the name to manually
resolve it. Outlook will save the resolution for future use.
Russ Valentine
frustrated said:
outlook 200
i used to use outlook express and it worked there.
i did check the box to "suggest names"
How many messages have to be populated?
Russ Valentine said:
State your Outlook version.
State whether you enabled autocompletion ("Suggest Names...")
State whether you have sent enough messages to have populated your
autocompletion cache.
Russ Valentine
when I compose a letter and start the type the person's email address,
outlook won't find the complete address for me. Can anyone help me fix