I’m looking for a new LCD monitor something around 19 or 20 inches. My
question is why widescreen? If my needs are viewing the internet and
word processing or spreadsheet I can’t see an advantage. Since the
screen size is measured diagonally from corner to corner a 20 inch
widescreen monitor is about the same as a 17 inch monitor vertically.
Please tell me why widescreen is so popular. BTW, I don’t watch TV on
my PC.
Thanks, Geri
question is why widescreen? If my needs are viewing the internet and
word processing or spreadsheet I can’t see an advantage. Since the
screen size is measured diagonally from corner to corner a 20 inch
widescreen monitor is about the same as a 17 inch monitor vertically.
Please tell me why widescreen is so popular. BTW, I don’t watch TV on
my PC.
Thanks, Geri