Why we do not like Vista

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I hate Vista

Why would you create a new version of your operating system that would make
devices that worked on XP obsolete? We have purchased a new Laptop computer
for my mother and the device she needs to assist her with reading does not
work on it, because Microsoft in their infinite wisdom decided that they did
not need to recognize devices that worked on XP. That is just stupid! We
have contacted the device manufacturer and they are have difficulty creating
the updated drivers because your product is so unuser friendly. We have
contacted HP and they refuse to assist us in removing Vista because of
contracts you have with them. So our only solution thanks to you is to
return the machine and pay an additional $400.00 to get a machine built that
has XP which is the BETTER operating system. Thanks for nothing to a company
that does not care about the end user and only about changing the system to
add a lot of useless bells and whistles and remove functionality and
compatibility. A very unhappy user, Frank
have contacted the device manufacturer and they are have difficulty
the updated drivers because your product is so unuser friendly.

Crap. Vista has been out for well over a year, and was in various betas for
years before that. If that device manufacturer hasn't produced a new
driver, it's because they're incompetent or don't want to (i.e. they'd
rather sell you a new product). I suspect the latter.
Thanks for nothing to a company
that does not care about the end user and only about changing the system
remove functionality and compatibility.

Thus endeth an totally irrational rant. What possible reason would
Microsoft have for deliberately pissing off its existing users? Do you
honestly think they are that careless of their shareholder's expectations?
They want to SELL stuff!!

Microsoft has changed its driver models in response to widespread criticisms
of the numerous security holes in XP. It must also be said that LOTS of
third party software (including, I suspect, the drivers for your reader)
ignore their published guidelines. XP's failure was that it allowed almost
anything to run, including stuff that totally ignored the published security

I'm sure that if your mother's PC had been hacked due to MS adopting a more
relaxed security model in Vista, you'd be moaning about that, too.

But, that the end of the day, Fool Number 1 is you. It is YOUR job to check
first that a new computer is compatible with the hardware you want to use.
That applies not only to software and driver compatibility, but also to
things like support for obsolescent ports that you might require (such as
parallel printer ports, PS/2 keyboard ports, etc).

Like when you buy a new car, you make sure it'll fit in your garage, right?

You really should have done a little bit of research before spashing your

If you are addressing this to Microsoft be aware that this is NOT Microsoft.
It is only a peer-to-peer self help newsgroup hosted on MS servers for
users' convenience. MS does not moderate this newsgroup. You should
address your concerns to Microsoft via the Contact Us links on microsoft.com
web pages.
If you want to voice your displeasure to Microsoft, you would better meet
that objective by checking the microsoft.com website to get appropriate
contact information. This is a peer-to-peer, user assistance newsgroup.
While some MS people do check and contribute here and in similar groups,
there is no way to be sure your message is seen by anyone who can take any
action on it.

That being said, alas, the failure ultimately is yours, not MS's. You failed
to exercise due diligence. You failed to make sure your needed hardware and
software was compatible with the new operating system.

Many changes were made to the OS architecture to improve stability,
reliability and resistance to malware such as viruses and Trojans in Vista.
As a result, many device drivers and some other software, written for
earlier OSs, will not work or works poorly on Vista. Microsoft was quite
forthcoming to hardware and software developers, as well as potential
customers, with this information. I am sure you would agree Microsoft is
ill-served by annoying customers. So, that could not have been its objective
even although, for some, that has been a result.

It is and always has been the responsibility of the hardware makers to write
device drivers for their devices, not Microsoft's. If you check, I am
confident that you will discover that MS makes great efforts to cooperate
with and assist hardware and software makers meet the requirements of their
operating system software. However, when all is said, it remains "in the
maker's court" to assure compatibility.

Again, sorry it did not work out better for you. In the end, we all take our
lumps, learn from them (hopefully) and move on.

All the best.