Windows Vista Why we 'banned' Windows Vista


Sep 30, 2005
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This I thouhgt was quite an interesting article ,

This was an comment I found particularl interesting ,

Would you ever consider moving to a predominantly Linux, Mac OS or other operating system environment?
Szykman: There's nothing in place that would prevent that from happening. It really depends on what the business requirements are and what people choose to use. There's no obstacle to more people using other operating systems. People are able to use the operating systems they choose.

I have read through that too :)
personally i wouldnt mind having vista.... i dont have a SLI computer (yet) so performance issues wont bother me. And my installation of XP pro feels a little ...meh.
Sad "title" really ... newspapers are fond of dramatic titles. :rolleyes:

Blogger melodramatics. ;)

Agreed - a misleading title as they are only stopping the install of Vista whilst they do proper testing - seems sensible to me regardless of the software.

Our policy states that we're not allowing users to install or deploy Windows Vista for the time being. We consider this to be an interim policy to give us the time to do the adequate testing of Vista before we deploy it. We don't expect to have any obstacles that would prevent us from eventually deploying Vista.
That said, I'm still not touching it...................yet ;)
muckshifter said:
Sad "title" really ... newspapers are fond of dramatic titles. :rolleyes:

Blogger melodramatics. ;)


On the othere hand if the title was " Vista what a fab OS" I probably would not have read the article . It was the mindset of the company portrayed that I found interesting . :cool:
Abarbarian said:
On the other hand if the title was " Vista what a fab OS" I probably would not have read the article . :cool:
... :D

Give me a few days ... * insert evil smillie grin here *