Why was Intellisync for MSN discontinued?



After months of using Intellisync for MSN to synchronize data from MSN
Premium to Outlook 2003, I discovered a few days ago that Intellisync for MSN
has been discontinued. Two hours on the phone with MSN did not answer my
question, and Outlook Connector simply does not accomplish the same task as
Intellisync. I am deeply puzzled by this.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

So, you are asking people not associated with MSN or Microsoft in any way to
give a better answer than the MSN people did? Sorry, not the way it works.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Scott asked:

| After months of using Intellisync for MSN to synchronize data from MSN
| Premium to Outlook 2003, I discovered a few days ago that Intellisync
| for MSN has been discontinued. Two hours on the phone with MSN did
| not answer my question, and Outlook Connector simply does not
| accomplish the same task as Intellisync. I am deeply puzzled by this.


Well, how does it work then? MSN seems to be ignoring the problem.
Tell me how to sync my contacts and calender from hotmail to my palm the way
intellisync did.

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