Why to find replies

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I am new to this site. I sent in a question. Do I have to check on this
site to see any replies, or will and answers also be sent to my Outlook
e-mail address?
Claire said:
I am new to this site. I sent in a question. Do I have to check on
this site to see any replies,

Although you are accessing it on a web site, it isn't really a web site,
it's a newsgroup (see below) that's just mirrored on a web site. If you do
it that way (and I highly recommend that you do *not*), yes you have to
check the site.

or will and answers also be sent to my
Outlook e-mail address?

No. But read on.

You are using the web interface to read this newsgroup--it's the slowest,
clunkiest, most error-prone method there is. Do yourself a favor and switch
to a newsreader, such as Outlook Express, which comes with Windows. See
Claire said:
I am new to this site. I sent in a question. Do I have to check on
this site to see any replies, or will and answers also be sent to my
Outlook e-mail address?
No, because this isn't a "site". The following will Explain All:

Since you are using the web interface, you may not realize that this is
really a newsgroup. You will get far more out of this resource if you
learn to use a newsreader. There are many good newsreaders for Windows,
but you can use Outlook Express since you already have it. Here are
some links to information about newsgroups:

About Usenet:
http://groups.google.com/support/bin/static.py?page=basics.html - Basics
of Usenet
http://www.elephantboycomputers.com/page2.html#Usenet - a brief
explanation of newsgroups

Using Outlook Express as Newsreader:

Accessing the MS newsgroups in Outlook Express Newsreader

How to Post:

http://aumha.org/nntp.htm - list of MS newsgroups
microsoft.public.test.here - MS group to test if your newsreader is
working properly
http://www.mailmsg.com/SPAM_munging.htm - how to munge email address
http://www.blakjak.demon.co.uk/mul_crss.htm - multiposting vs.

Claire said:
I am new to this site. I sent in a question. Do I have to check on this
site to see any replies, or will and answers also be sent to my Outlook
e-mail address?

What was the question - I can see your thread 'Folder now covers Desktop'
but that was posted after this thread.
Yes, I thought my first question about the desktop went through. My second
question was where I would find any reples. It was then that I discovered
that my first question did not get posted due to my error. So I attempted to
post it again and was successful. Sorry for the confusion.
Claire said:
Yes, I thought my first question about the desktop went through. My
question was where I would find any reples. It was then that I
that my first question did not get posted due to my error. So I
attempted to
post it again and was successful. Sorry for the confusion.

Use a real newsreader, not a webnews-for-dummies interface, to read
newsgroups. You post here so here is where you look for replies.
Lurk for awhile to get the feel of a group and get familiar with
whatever interface you use to access newsgroups. Try posting into the
*.test newsgroups first to get a feel on how to submit posts and how
long before they show up. When you post and after it shows up (could
be several minutes), use the Watch flag in the newsreader and sort on
it so watched articles are at the top of the list. That way, you can
see the posts you started or participated in right at the top of the
list. Webnews-for-dummies interferaces don't have that option. They
don't have much of a powerful interface at all.
In web based ng , open your question and on top of your question [not on
click "Notify me of replies". This will send an email to your email address
you specified in your profile.