Why Task Manager Window is not showing up?



Task Manager has been acting wierd lately, Its windows doesn't show up in a
normal window... i'll have to maximise task manager using the task manager to
see it. If i restore the window task manager disapears again. This part is
wierd: every time i close and open task manager the option "minimise on use"
is checked no matter how many times i uncheck it. Can someone explain to me
whats happening? Perhaps help me solve this problem.



Thanks guys, unfortumately it didn't work. I'm still suspecting this has some
thing to do with the unchangeable "minimize on use" option

Richard Urban

Move your mouse to the top border till you see the double arrows. Then
double click on the top border!


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)

If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!


Top border? YOu mean the side of the window at the top?its maximized... no
arrows... [it dissapears when i restore the window...]

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