In addition to the other comments.
2 problems:
First you are comparing a byte array to an object array, due to the fact you
have 2 distinct kinds of arrays they won't compare.
Second Object.Equals(Object) is a virtual (Overridable) method, allowing
types that have "identity" to override the method & offer an implementation.
Such types include Integer, String, DateTime...
Array does not override this method, as arrays don't have "identity" (in
select cases, such as yours, they may; but overall they don't). Instead
relying on the Object.Equals(Object) implementation.
Object.Equals(Object) itself does a Object.ReferenceEquals which compares
the two object references, not the content of said objects.
As Rowe suggests you will need to write your own function. I would consider
making such a function a Generic Function... However with having 2 distinct
types of arrays this makes a generic function problematic.
Here is a simply Generic ArrayEquals for VS 2005 (.NET 2.0):
Public Function ArrayEquals(Of T)(ByVal a() As T, ByVal b() As T) As
If a.GetLowerBound(0) <> b.GetLowerBound(0) Then Return False
If a.GetUpperBound(0) <> b.GetUpperBound(0) Then Return False
Dim comparer As EqualityComparer(Of T) = EqualityComparer(Of
For index As Integer = a.GetLowerBound(0) To a.GetUpperBound(0)
If Not comparer.Equals(a(index), b(index)) Then Return False
Return True
End Function
It requires both parameters to be 1 dimension arrays.