One of my report fails to
open when I put a texbox in
group footer with a fairly long
equation.But it opens without
any problem when the textbox
is removed.
What debugging have you done? Have you unit-tested the calculations in the
module and are you certain that they work independently? Have you compiled
the code to make sure that it does compile? Have you put error handling in
the code? Have you used On Error Resume Next? Have you set Break on All
Errors? Have you put Breakpoints in the code?
These are all things that you might use to try to find the error.
I tried to calculate the sum
using a module variable.
Is there any other way of
calculating the sum effectively ?
"Using a module variable" does not necessarily sound consistent with "a
fairly long equation" as a description of the text box. "Fairly long
equation" would imply to me that you are using a Calculated Control with an
expression. If that is the case, it can't refer to a variable in a module,
but it can refer to a function that returns a value.
With no more detail than you've given, that's about as specific as I can be.
Please follow up or clarify here in the newsgroup, not by e-mail. Thanks.