Hi - I am an self-proclaimed ameteur websiter, so you may find this question
amusing. I've been browsing through this newsgroup, picking up tidbits of
information. One thing I keep reading about is publishing your site. Why is
this important? For the few years I've been maintaining my company's website
in FrontPage, I've always just opened it, worked in it, and saved it. It has
worked like a charm, but obviously is not the correct procedure. Anyone want
explain why I should publish instead of just editing and saving? Or maybe I
misunderstand? Thanks in advance for your advise.
amusing. I've been browsing through this newsgroup, picking up tidbits of
information. One thing I keep reading about is publishing your site. Why is
this important? For the few years I've been maintaining my company's website
in FrontPage, I've always just opened it, worked in it, and saved it. It has
worked like a charm, but obviously is not the correct procedure. Anyone want
explain why I should publish instead of just editing and saving? Or maybe I
misunderstand? Thanks in advance for your advise.