Why One PC right page & the other wrong page

  • Thread starter Thread starter Phil
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Why even with refresh does my computer show an old version of my web site
and yet my friends show the updated version. The whole new site was updated
this morning.

To further add to the mystery when I disconnected from my Zen BB connection
and relooked through my old dial up connection I did get the new web site.

Does this mean that ISP's have their own cache that is not updating?

Could be, though unlikely.
Problems like that are usually
from the web host, and sometimes
on the client, not the ISP. If the ISP
caches pages, you're going to have
many problems on many pages
where the content is dynamically generated
on the server-side. The fact that it resolved
after reconnecting to the ISP was probably

Phil said:

Why even with refresh does my computer show an old version of my web site

Which Refresh? F5 just sends out checks, so if there is an intermediate
cache which is looking for those it might just return an Ok to them.
Ctrl-F5 sends fresh requests as if your TIF had been cleared.
If you get old versions then it would mean either that the intermediate
cache was not checking with the server (e.g. not passing on the check that
IE would have been using if you had only pressed F5) or that the server
you were connecting to was still returning the old information.
In that case one trick which sometimes works is to append a question
mark (?) to the first request. The idea is to make the request look like
a fake CGI request. Provided the server ignores the question mark
that deception of the intermediate cache might work. Another possibility
would be to try using https: as the protocol prefix instead of http:
That would require that the host would be serving the content on the
default secure port but the reason it would work is that the datastream
would be encrypted and therefore not cacheable. I suppose you could
also try using the https: protocol and overriding the port to 80 in hopes
that the default server would handle both protocols.

Referring to other connections without comparing the data flows
is not very significant. All it may prove is that somewhere there
is a server which is providing the desired content somehow.


Robert Aldwinckle

Many thanks for your full reply and help. As a temporary measure I am able
to access the site by another domain given to me. I have phoned around a
number of friends who can all get the latest site. I willbe patient and try
tomorrow as the web designer has said it could be the ISP with their caching

All double Dutch to me.

Thanks again

Phil said:

Why even with refresh does my computer show an old version of my web site
and yet my friends show the updated version. The whole new site was updated
this morning.

To further add to the mystery when I disconnected from my Zen BB connection
and relooked through my old dial up connection I did get the new web site.

Does this mean that ISP's have their own cache that is not updating?


Thanks for all replies but still have the same problem.

Telephoned my ISP (Zen) who told me it will take 7 days to update as it is
in a temp cache.

Frustrating as I thought it was all instant on the web.

still have the same problem.

Did you try any of the circumventions I mentioned:
- adding a question mark to the URL
- changing the protocol (to https:)

Another possibility that I don't know much about except that it exists
would be using an anonymous proxy. Depending where in the path
the cache is that might force the new version of the page back to you.

Good luck

Yep tried all your suggestions but my ISP (Zen) told me it will take 7 days
to update as it is
in a temp cache. So web designer has got me access through some temporary
domain name. All my friends around the company are getting the new site

The added frustration is all the mails which usually come to me through the
domain are, by default, going to the web designer. Feel very disappointed
with the ISP.

Thanks for your help.
