Mike Lopez
What is a good argument for not using Windows Forms for a corporate intranet
and using ASP.Net instead?
My thinking is that, historically, a desktop application used as an intranet
app was impractical simply because of the binary (.EXE's and DLL's)
administration headaches. Since .Net WinForms is an XCOPY deployment,
doesn't that remove that adminstrative headache?
I am in the process of designing a "real" intranet for our company and am
considering using WinForms and not ASP.Net. My thinking is any updates
needed on the clients' machines could be easily distributed by coding the
WinForm app to check for updates and performing the necessary XCOPY(s).
All thoughts and opinions are welcome.
Thanks in advance,
What is a good argument for not using Windows Forms for a corporate intranet
and using ASP.Net instead?
My thinking is that, historically, a desktop application used as an intranet
app was impractical simply because of the binary (.EXE's and DLL's)
administration headaches. Since .Net WinForms is an XCOPY deployment,
doesn't that remove that adminstrative headache?
I am in the process of designing a "real" intranet for our company and am
considering using WinForms and not ASP.Net. My thinking is any updates
needed on the clients' machines could be easily distributed by coding the
WinForm app to check for updates and performing the necessary XCOPY(s).
All thoughts and opinions are welcome.
Thanks in advance,