I have Windows XP on my CP but the spell check in Outlook
Express does not work. Can it be fixed and how?
Express does not work. Can it be fixed and how?
AP said:I have Windows XP on my CP but the spell check in Outlook
Express does not work. Can it be fixed and how?
AP said:I have Windows XP on my CP but the spell check in Outlook
Express does not work. Can it be fixed and how?
AP said:I have Windows XP on my CP but the spell check in Outlook
Express does not work. Can it be fixed and how?
I have Windows XP on my CP but the spell check in Outlook
Express does not work. Can it be fixed and how?
AP said:I have Windows XP on my CP but the spell check in Outlook
Express does not work. Can it be fixed and how?
Grenadier said:To resolve this problem once and for all and to enable Outlook
Express spell check facilities, proceed as follows,
Copy csapi3t1.dll and WINWORD to C:\Program Files\Outlook Express
The csapi3t1.dll does NOT have to in C:\Program Files\Common
Files\Microsoft Shared\Proof as most internet geeks dictate.
WINWORD, a component of Microsoft Office 97, contains a spell checker
and dictionaries.
The csapi3t1.dll can be sourced from a number of places, as follows,
'Google' for it on th web
Copy it from the Windows XP or Windows 98 installation disk, etc.
If Microsoft Office 97, or similar is not available, then 'Google'
for Free Spell Check
Downloads from the web.
A Spell Check I have used in the past is OE 2.1.exe from
Provided that Outlook Express has the a/m *.dll installed and
spelling is enabled, then OE 2.1.exe will do it's stuff.
Have fun out there