I need to insert data to table intermod and write code in cal button click
event. Unfortunately It takes time more than 20 seconds. I try many times
and belives that "Insert into...." in M2FSql1 take almost of time.
How to write code to reduce time.
Dim M2FSql1 as String
For M = 0 To N - 1
For X = M + 2 To N
For Q = 1 To 3
OrderN = 2 * Q + 1
cal1 = (Q + 1) * F1 - Q * F2
cal2 = (Q + 1) * F2 - Q * F1
M2FSql1 = "INSERT INTO Intermod (OrderN,IntmodFreq, Freq1, Freq2) "
M2FSql1 = M2FSql1 & "Values(" & OrderN & "," & cal1 & "," & F1 & "," & F2 &
" );"
DoCmd.RunSQL M2FSql1
Next Q
Next X
Next M
event. Unfortunately It takes time more than 20 seconds. I try many times
and belives that "Insert into...." in M2FSql1 take almost of time.
How to write code to reduce time.
Dim M2FSql1 as String
For M = 0 To N - 1
For X = M + 2 To N
For Q = 1 To 3
OrderN = 2 * Q + 1
cal1 = (Q + 1) * F1 - Q * F2
cal2 = (Q + 1) * F2 - Q * F1
M2FSql1 = "INSERT INTO Intermod (OrderN,IntmodFreq, Freq1, Freq2) "
M2FSql1 = M2FSql1 & "Values(" & OrderN & "," & cal1 & "," & F1 & "," & F2 &
" );"
DoCmd.RunSQL M2FSql1
Next Q
Next X
Next M