Why Linux???Why Zorin???

Jul 11, 2010
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:(I have got fed up with Windows, why, well here is the reason why. I am fed up with constantly defragging because of slowdowns, getting paranoid over spyware viruses and Malware. Also the price of the software you need to BUY to add to the Windows operating system also the maintance programs you need to keep the dam thing running sweet and even then I find I have to do a reinstall about once a year. :cry:All costing a bomb. Yes there is some freeware out there, put there is something wrong about the platform you shouldn't have to keep buying apps and then repurchasing & renewing every year like the NEW MS Office 365 that is being just plain greedy and I as a pensioner really object to that. The only plus side is I like the layout of Windows 7 and I know where everything is and how to get to it and I quite like Windows 7.

I have for a long time tried different versions of Linux the last one was Linux Mint no that was not the last one, the last one was Zorin 8 did not get on with it got me confused did not do enough investigation and in reality lost my patience with it.


The trouble is most Microsoft users they have only used versions of Windows and like me have not opened their minds to anything new, well how about a version of Linux that mimic's Windows desktop, XP, Windows 7 and urggh Windows 8.1 take your pick so you know where everything is AND IT IS FREE and it has Libra office and many other software on it as well, or you can for less than £10 download Zorin 9LTS with many more games and other software what a bargain. You can dual boot if you are not sure or like me go the whole hog and do a complete install, my thinking is if I have W7 still on the PC I will be tempted to use it and not really investigate the power of Zorin. After I have used it for a while I will say I have got on with Zorin Ultimate 9.
I download the ISO image of 32bit Zorin and intend to dual boot it with Windows 7 on my laptop.
Just have to learn how to burn an ISO image to become a bootable disk!!:confused:
I download the ISO image of 32bit Zorin and intend to dual boot it with Windows 7 on my laptop.
Just have to learn how to burn an ISO image to become a bootable disk!!:confused:

right-click, burn to DVD ... make sure you have a DVD in the drive ... actually, I think W7 will ask you what you want to do with the blank DVD when you put it in the drive. :)

An easier approach is to use something like http://www.freeisoburner.com/ ... I see that not been updated since 2011, YMMV.

Hmm, experiencing a sense of deja vu here... ;)

bootneck2 said:
or you can for less than £10 download Zorin 9LTS with many more games and other software what a bargain.

Save your money. You'll find that most of the supplied software and games, if not all, can be had fro free. Just install the basic version of whatever distro you choose then look in their software manager or equivalent and search for the software you need.

These are tried and tested: Gimp (Photoshop substitute); Scribus (very similar to MS's Publisher, though it is a little harder to navigate.

There are a whole rake of free Linux games and Steam will also run in Linux where you can buy and play quite a lot of competitively priced games.

And, er, before I sing the praises of any software, I usually like to run it and make an assessment, not believe the supplier's promises ;)

The fact that Zorin have asked for a tenner to supply extra software would put me right off 'em. Before you commit I suggest you just try Mint (V17 the latest), load it to a USB stick and give it a whirl.

Then try Zorin. Then make a choice.
I download the ISO image of 32bit Zorin and intend to dual boot it with Windows 7 on my laptop.
Just have to learn how to burn an ISO image to become a bootable disk!!:confused:

Imgburn does it all for you.
:lol:Oh you are an old cynic flops even if all the games are free at least you don't have the trouble of downloading them and you get them all in one download, There is nothing to talk about with Microsoft's OS as far as extras you have to buy them the same about all the other software it is all about ££££. Have you had a look at Zorin LTS in comparison to Microsoft offerings or come to that compared to any of the other offerings of the Linux Distros. You seem to forget that most Windows users want something out of the box we do not understand anything about scrip's and writing computer language we just want some that is simple and works without to much fiddling.:user:
Well I've had a look at what Zorin claim to be but without actually trying two old songs come to mind Public Enemys' Don't Believe The Hype and Thin Lizzy's Don't believe A Word ;)

To load most software in the Linux user-friendly Distros you won't need to write computer language, you simply open their software manager and they will list what's already in what they call 'the repository' or link to online to download software into the repository.

And then in most cases you just choose to install and it installs. Simple.

But if you do choose to use Linux the it's very likely that at some stage you will have to enter console commands, or use 'computer language' as you put it. But fear not, let not mighty dread fill your troubled mind cos it's dead easy, Online advice readily available and straightforward.

All I'm saying is before you splash out - try out. MS may have programmed you to think that by spending money you're getting something better, rather like those antivirus software vendors.

But hey, it's your outing monsieur, so be my guest.

Ooh, I'm reminded of another song, was it Joan Baez, Peter Paul & Mary or Bob Dylan? Maybe all of them.

The song is When Will They Ever Learn :)

Good luck.
I'm biting my gums, I'm trying very hard not to ridicule your wish to "try out Linux" but I will say ...

Windows is a Business, you pay just like any other business, Linux (home versions) is not ... there are Linux 'distros' that are run by businesses, and, as a requirement, you have to pay for the goods or services.

Hey, some of us have been there, seen it, done it ... we are using Windows now! :)
Aye, heed Mucks' words ;)

I'm not trying to discourage btw, if anything I would encourage, but I do hate to see money wasted needlessly.

FWIW the OS I use the most is Win 7, mostly because of games, but I do now do a helluva lot within Mint and more and more I'm using Libre Office, now I'm getting used to it.

Libre Office has lots of little quirks that although not better or worse than MS Office, are certainly different, particularly Excel, it takes awhile to adapt in my experience.
:)Well as far as wasting money and my great enthusiasm for Zorin I am so far a little annoyed with the speed or rather the lack of speed that Zorin has dispatched its DVD to me as I am still awaiting its delivery. I have a copy of Zorin 8 which is fine but Zorin 9 is supposed to be the bees knees. In anticipation of receiving 9 I have taken off 8 so am back to Windows at the moment. Got my fingers crossed that it arrives on Monday.:rolleyes: