Tim Clark
Please note, I am not trying to be a snot here.
Why isn't Windows Defender the best antispyware out there?
Note I am not asking why isn't Defender the first to have it's definitions
updated or why isn't it the fastest, but why isn't it the best over time?
My logic goes like this, MS makes the OS, and you would think knows it and
what it can do better than anyone else. Once malware is discovered and
becomes known you would think that once it is added to Defenders database
that Defender should be able to stop it / cure it as well or better than
anybody else because they know the OS best, right?
From time to time we get reports of someone getting infected with something
and a member here suggesting this, that, or another product. It does not
really make sense to me that once a baddie is discovered and a cure is known
that MS wouldn't be able to have the best, most accurate cure put into
Defender, again because they should know how the OS works better than anyone
else, and therefore how to repair and protect it.
Again, I understand that someone else may discover a baddie first and build
a defense / cure into their product first, but once it's known you would
think that within a week WD would be able to handle it as well as anyone one
This is a serious question, and I would like serious replies please. This
is not an attack on WD or MS. It is an attempt to understand.
Respectfully submitted,
Why isn't Windows Defender the best antispyware out there?
Note I am not asking why isn't Defender the first to have it's definitions
updated or why isn't it the fastest, but why isn't it the best over time?
My logic goes like this, MS makes the OS, and you would think knows it and
what it can do better than anyone else. Once malware is discovered and
becomes known you would think that once it is added to Defenders database
that Defender should be able to stop it / cure it as well or better than
anybody else because they know the OS best, right?
From time to time we get reports of someone getting infected with something
and a member here suggesting this, that, or another product. It does not
really make sense to me that once a baddie is discovered and a cure is known
that MS wouldn't be able to have the best, most accurate cure put into
Defender, again because they should know how the OS works better than anyone
else, and therefore how to repair and protect it.
Again, I understand that someone else may discover a baddie first and build
a defense / cure into their product first, but once it's known you would
think that within a week WD would be able to handle it as well as anyone one
This is a serious question, and I would like serious replies please. This
is not an attack on WD or MS. It is an attempt to understand.
Respectfully submitted,