Hello All,
Please, if anyone can point me to the problem, I'd sure appreciate it!
I am very new to VB programming and not a programmer to begin with.
This is part of a Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition program to control a remote basketball
scoreboard display unit.
All I'm trying to do is add 5 byte variables and store the result in an integer
variable. I added a Try/Catch block to take look at things.
This exception occurs only when the clock runs down to 00:00 and when one of either
SndT1 or SndT2 are some non zero value. The value of 15 for SndMin is due to the program
automatically starting a halftime clock that starts at 15:00.
CkSum = SndMin + SndSec + SndT1 + SndT2 + SndPer <--- The offending line of code
CkSum = 15 + 0 + 99 + 99 + 130 = 343 <-- Values are from the texbox in the catch block
The catch block shows CkSum = 200, but 200 is just the value left from the last addition that worked.
The variable declrations and the entire sub where the exception is originating were pasted
below from the program code.
This is the output displayed in the textbox by the catch block.
CkSum = 200 SndT1f = 9 HornTime = 1 SndT2f = 9 SndPer = 130 SndT1 = 99 SndT2 = 99 SndMin = 15
SndSec = 0 ex = System.OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.
at ScoreBoard.Form1.SendPacket() in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Visual Studio
2005\Projects\ScoreBoard1\ScoreBoard\Form1.vb:line 552
These are are variable declarations involved
Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Dim SndMin, SndSec, SndT1, SndT2, SndPer As Byte
Dim SndT1f, SndT2f, SndHrn, SndCkSum As Byte
Dim CkSum as Integer
Dim PacketData() As Byte = {&H55, &HCC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
Public ClockMode As Byte = 0
Public Period As Byte = 1
Public HornTime As Byte = 2
Public T1score As Byte = 0
Public T2score As Byte = 0
Public T1Fouls As Byte = 0
Public T2Fouls As Byte = 0
Public Mins As Byte = 0
Public Secs As Byte = 0
This is the sub in which the overflow exception occurs
'This routine builds a data packet to send to the remote display assembly
Private Sub SendPacket()
SndT1 = T1score : SndT2 = T2score : SndPer = Period : SndHrn = HornTime
SndMin = Mins : SndSec = Secs : SndT1f = T1Fouls : SndT2f = T2Fouls
If ClockMode = 1 Then ' See if a timeout has been called
SndPer = CByte(SndPer Or &H80) ' Turn on the flash LED flag bit
End If
If ExtDisp = True Then ' Prepare a packet if using an extended display
'Calculate a simple checksum to add to the end of the packet
The following line will also cause an exception if I change ExtDisp to True.
SndCkSum = CByte(SndMin + SndSec + SndT1 + SndT2 + SndPer + SndT1f + SndT2f)
' Load the 7 data bytes and the checksum byte into the data packet array
' PacketData(0) and PacketData (1) are initialized to &H55 and &Hcc
' respectively to form a constant 2 byte header for the packet
PacketData(2) = SndMin : PacketData(3) = SndSec : PacketData(4) = SndT1
PacketData(5) = SndT2 : PacketData(6) = SndPer : PacketData(7) = SndT1f
PacketData(8) = SndT2f : PacketData(9) = SndCkSum
Else ' Prepare a packet for a standard display
'Calculate a simple checksum to add to the end of the data packet
This is the line causing the error.
Line 552
********--> CkSum = SndMin + SndSec + SndT1 + SndT2 + SndPer
SndCkSum = CByte(CkSum) ' Explicitly convert the checksum to a byte
' Load the 5 data bytes and the checksum byte into the packet array
' PacketData(0) and PacketData (1) are initialized to &H55 and &Hcc
' respectively to form a constant 2 byte header for the packet
PacketData(2) = SndMin : PacketData(3) = SndSec : PacketData(4) = SndT1
PacketData(5) = SndT2 : PacketData(6) = SndPer : PacketData(7) = SndCkSum
End If
' Send the data packet to the display
Call SendSerialData(PacketData)
' Reset the horn on flag if it was set
If HornTime > &H7F Then HornTime = CByte(HornTime - &H80)
Catch ex As OverflowException
Dim Str As String
TextBox3.Visible = True
Str = "CkSum = " + CkSum.ToString + " SndT1f = " + SndT1f.ToString + " " _
+ "HornTime = " + HornTime.ToString + " SndT2f = " + SndT2f.ToString + " " _
+ "SndPer = " + SndPer.ToString + " " _
+ "SndT1 = " + SndT1.ToString + " SndT2 = " + SndT2.ToString + " " _
+ "SndMin = " + SndMin.ToString + " SndSec = " + SndSec.ToString + _
" ex = " + ex.ToString + " "
TextBox3.Text = Str
End Try
End Sub
"The scientist is possessed by the sense of universal
causation...His religious feeling takes the form of
rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law,
which reveals the intelligence of such superiority
that, compared with it, systematic thinking and acting
of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection."
Albert Einstein (theoretical physicist)
Please, if anyone can point me to the problem, I'd sure appreciate it!
I am very new to VB programming and not a programmer to begin with.
This is part of a Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition program to control a remote basketball
scoreboard display unit.
All I'm trying to do is add 5 byte variables and store the result in an integer
variable. I added a Try/Catch block to take look at things.
This exception occurs only when the clock runs down to 00:00 and when one of either
SndT1 or SndT2 are some non zero value. The value of 15 for SndMin is due to the program
automatically starting a halftime clock that starts at 15:00.
CkSum = SndMin + SndSec + SndT1 + SndT2 + SndPer <--- The offending line of code
CkSum = 15 + 0 + 99 + 99 + 130 = 343 <-- Values are from the texbox in the catch block
The catch block shows CkSum = 200, but 200 is just the value left from the last addition that worked.
The variable declrations and the entire sub where the exception is originating were pasted
below from the program code.
This is the output displayed in the textbox by the catch block.
CkSum = 200 SndT1f = 9 HornTime = 1 SndT2f = 9 SndPer = 130 SndT1 = 99 SndT2 = 99 SndMin = 15
SndSec = 0 ex = System.OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.
at ScoreBoard.Form1.SendPacket() in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Visual Studio
2005\Projects\ScoreBoard1\ScoreBoard\Form1.vb:line 552
These are are variable declarations involved
Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Dim SndMin, SndSec, SndT1, SndT2, SndPer As Byte
Dim SndT1f, SndT2f, SndHrn, SndCkSum As Byte
Dim CkSum as Integer
Dim PacketData() As Byte = {&H55, &HCC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
Public ClockMode As Byte = 0
Public Period As Byte = 1
Public HornTime As Byte = 2
Public T1score As Byte = 0
Public T2score As Byte = 0
Public T1Fouls As Byte = 0
Public T2Fouls As Byte = 0
Public Mins As Byte = 0
Public Secs As Byte = 0
This is the sub in which the overflow exception occurs
'This routine builds a data packet to send to the remote display assembly
Private Sub SendPacket()
SndT1 = T1score : SndT2 = T2score : SndPer = Period : SndHrn = HornTime
SndMin = Mins : SndSec = Secs : SndT1f = T1Fouls : SndT2f = T2Fouls
If ClockMode = 1 Then ' See if a timeout has been called
SndPer = CByte(SndPer Or &H80) ' Turn on the flash LED flag bit
End If
If ExtDisp = True Then ' Prepare a packet if using an extended display
'Calculate a simple checksum to add to the end of the packet
The following line will also cause an exception if I change ExtDisp to True.
SndCkSum = CByte(SndMin + SndSec + SndT1 + SndT2 + SndPer + SndT1f + SndT2f)
' Load the 7 data bytes and the checksum byte into the data packet array
' PacketData(0) and PacketData (1) are initialized to &H55 and &Hcc
' respectively to form a constant 2 byte header for the packet
PacketData(2) = SndMin : PacketData(3) = SndSec : PacketData(4) = SndT1
PacketData(5) = SndT2 : PacketData(6) = SndPer : PacketData(7) = SndT1f
PacketData(8) = SndT2f : PacketData(9) = SndCkSum
Else ' Prepare a packet for a standard display
'Calculate a simple checksum to add to the end of the data packet
This is the line causing the error.
Line 552
********--> CkSum = SndMin + SndSec + SndT1 + SndT2 + SndPer
SndCkSum = CByte(CkSum) ' Explicitly convert the checksum to a byte
' Load the 5 data bytes and the checksum byte into the packet array
' PacketData(0) and PacketData (1) are initialized to &H55 and &Hcc
' respectively to form a constant 2 byte header for the packet
PacketData(2) = SndMin : PacketData(3) = SndSec : PacketData(4) = SndT1
PacketData(5) = SndT2 : PacketData(6) = SndPer : PacketData(7) = SndCkSum
End If
' Send the data packet to the display
Call SendSerialData(PacketData)
' Reset the horn on flag if it was set
If HornTime > &H7F Then HornTime = CByte(HornTime - &H80)
Catch ex As OverflowException
Dim Str As String
TextBox3.Visible = True
Str = "CkSum = " + CkSum.ToString + " SndT1f = " + SndT1f.ToString + " " _
+ "HornTime = " + HornTime.ToString + " SndT2f = " + SndT2f.ToString + " " _
+ "SndPer = " + SndPer.ToString + " " _
+ "SndT1 = " + SndT1.ToString + " SndT2 = " + SndT2.ToString + " " _
+ "SndMin = " + SndMin.ToString + " SndSec = " + SndSec.ToString + _
" ex = " + ex.ToString + " "
TextBox3.Text = Str
End Try
End Sub
"The scientist is possessed by the sense of universal
causation...His religious feeling takes the form of
rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law,
which reveals the intelligence of such superiority
that, compared with it, systematic thinking and acting
of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection."
Albert Einstein (theoretical physicist)