Why is this dependency missing?



I added a reference to the COM object SHDOCVW.dll. It of course
created the Interop.shdocvw.dll file. As I understand it this is for
the Runtime Callable Wrapper, so .NET can call on the COM object with

Now, my problem is that it says when I try and load the design of the
..cs file:

" File or assembly name Interop.SHDocVw, or one of its dependencies,
was not found."

However, I can see it in the Debug folder just as soon as I make a
reference to it. I do not understand what it wants. Please help me.
Thank you.

Dmitriy Lapshin [C# / .NET MVP]


I remember something like actually 2 interop assemblies are created for
ActiveX controls (unlike non-UI COM objects for which only one assembly is
generated). It is probably the IDE fails to copy the second reference to the
right location... I am sorry for that I am not being very helpful but this
should at least help you start seaching in the right direction.

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