while reading .net framework sdk, it says that the following is bad
practice, then it goes on to give an example with the very same
instance of this 'bad practice'. Can someone comment on this, is it
good or bad?
public int Number
return number++; // Don't do this
then further on.....
Example 2
In this example, two classes, Cube and Square, implement an abstract
class, Shape, and override its abstract Area property. Note the use of
the override modifier on the properties. The program accepts the side
as an input and calculates the areas for the square and cube. It also
accepts the area as an input and calculates the corresponding side for
the square and cube.
// overridding_properties.cs
// Overriding properties
using System;
abstract class Shape
public abstract double Area
class Square: Shape
public double side;
// Constructor:
public Square(double s)
side = s;
// The Area property
public override double Area
return side*side ;
// Given the area, compute the side
side = Math.Sqrt(value);
class Cube: Shape
public double side;
// Constructor:
public Cube(double s)
side = s;
// The Area property
public override double Area
return 6*side*side;
// Given the area, compute the side
side = Math.Sqrt(value/6);
public class MainClass
public static void Main()
// Input the side:
Console.Write("Enter the side: ");
string sideString = Console.ReadLine();
double side = double.Parse(sideString);
// Compute areas:
Square s = new Square(side);
Cube c = new Cube(side);
// Display results:
Console.WriteLine("Area of a square = {0:F2}",s.Area);
Console.WriteLine("Area of a cube = {0:F2}", c.Area);
// Input the area:
Console.Write("Enter the area: ");
string areaString = Console.ReadLine();
double area = double.Parse(areaString);
// Compute sides:
s.Area = area;
c.Area = area;
// Display results:
Console.WriteLine("Side of a square = {0:F2}", s.side);
Console.WriteLine("Side of a cube = {0:F2}", c.side);
Sample Output
Enter the side: 4
Area of a square = 16.00
Area of a cube = 96.00
Enter the area: 24
Side of a square = 4.90
Side of a cube = 2.00
while reading .net framework sdk, it says that the following is bad
practice, then it goes on to give an example with the very same
instance of this 'bad practice'. Can someone comment on this, is it
good or bad?
public int Number
return number++; // Don't do this
then further on.....
Example 2
In this example, two classes, Cube and Square, implement an abstract
class, Shape, and override its abstract Area property. Note the use of
the override modifier on the properties. The program accepts the side
as an input and calculates the areas for the square and cube. It also
accepts the area as an input and calculates the corresponding side for
the square and cube.
// overridding_properties.cs
// Overriding properties
using System;
abstract class Shape
public abstract double Area
class Square: Shape
public double side;
// Constructor:
public Square(double s)
side = s;
// The Area property
public override double Area
return side*side ;
// Given the area, compute the side
side = Math.Sqrt(value);
class Cube: Shape
public double side;
// Constructor:
public Cube(double s)
side = s;
// The Area property
public override double Area
return 6*side*side;
// Given the area, compute the side
side = Math.Sqrt(value/6);
public class MainClass
public static void Main()
// Input the side:
Console.Write("Enter the side: ");
string sideString = Console.ReadLine();
double side = double.Parse(sideString);
// Compute areas:
Square s = new Square(side);
Cube c = new Cube(side);
// Display results:
Console.WriteLine("Area of a square = {0:F2}",s.Area);
Console.WriteLine("Area of a cube = {0:F2}", c.Area);
// Input the area:
Console.Write("Enter the area: ");
string areaString = Console.ReadLine();
double area = double.Parse(areaString);
// Compute sides:
s.Area = area;
c.Area = area;
// Display results:
Console.WriteLine("Side of a square = {0:F2}", s.side);
Console.WriteLine("Side of a cube = {0:F2}", c.side);
Sample Output
Enter the side: 4
Area of a square = 16.00
Area of a cube = 96.00
Enter the area: 24
Side of a square = 4.90
Side of a cube = 2.00